Nothing about anyone surprises me anymore.
I've seen the most normal, good-natured of people reveal sides of themselves no-one would have ever thought existed, their unassuming facades suddenly stripped away to expose a sinister and malignant entity.
I've heard from them revelations, lies and secrets that most would struggle to comprehend, coming from such a person whom they previously thought had nothing to hide.
That's because, like I stated in my 16 simple rules, everyone has a dark side. They just good at hiding it, that's all. And more often than not, too good at it.
Looks are deceiving; deep beneath the surfaces of even the most innocent, ingenuous of people, lie dark secrets, shameful regrets, fears, insecurities and guilts.
It's not as though people changed and stopped being who they used to be; it's simply that they brought their other, dark side to the surface for the world to see. They've always had it within them, like an alter ego, almost. They just never showed it to the world until now.
Which is why I do nothing more than simply raise an eyebrow or two, or scoff at some seemingly earth-shattering revelation about anyone nowadays. It's nothing new; it's been there all the time, just bubbling beneath the surface, hidden away and repressed like a painful memory, waiting for the day it can finally burst forth and shock everyone, and bring with it far-reaching implications for everyone in the person's life, be they family, friends, lovers or colleagues. And that's when everything, and possibly even life as you know it, changes. Perhaps forever, too.
Unless of course, you were expecting it all this time.