Without evil, we wouldn't know good.
Without hate, we wouldn't know love.
What if, we had people in our lives, just so one day, we could learn to live without them?
People walk in and out of our lives. They gain importance in our lives, or lose it gradually or even suddenly, as time goes by and things change.
Perhaps, people walk into our lives, so that one day, we may learn to live without them when they walk out of our lives. I mean, they're all gonna leave us someday, aren't they?
Believe me, that time will come. Regardless of promises made or steadfast loyalty displayed, it will come.
Maybe the saying's true: don't worry about the people in your past, there's a reason they didn't make it into your future.
Then again, I don't believe anything in life happens for a reason.
People come, people go. There isn't really a reason why, is there?
C'est la vie.
And there ain't nothing we can do about it.