I reckon everyone's a lone warrior at some stage in their life. Y'know, when you're all alone, yet you rough it out and make it on your own, without anyone else's help. And when friends say they'll always be there for you? Well, truth is, sometimes they just aren't, and that's when you have to go it alone. More often than not, you end up motivating yourself to keep your head up and get through it. But in the end, you emerge stronger, and with a different perspective on life; you become more independent and stoic, but at the same time, more wary and less trustworthy of those around you. You're gonna need it to survive in this cold, harsh, dog-eat-dog world. You're being naïve if you think anything less, or otherwise. And that's a fact.
Lone warriors. From the missing soldier finding his way home, to the one, insignificant human being trying to rebuild their life from scratch all by themselves because everyone's abandoned/given up on them. Don't tell me they had people by their side helping and supporting them, chances are there weren't; I may not know people who've got through similar situations, but I'm willing to bet that it's happened before.
To all the lone warriors out there, I salute you all. You are the true meaning of independence and survival-of-the-fittest, in this world where few can be friends, and fewer can be trusted. Cheers. :)